Boeing Boeing
Boeing Boeing
Written by Marc Camoletti
Directed by Julianne Boyd
Designed by Kristen Robinson
Paint Charged by Kelly Ann Sherlock
Paint Team: Karson Palmer and Rosario Appleton Figuerira
This show had an incredibly efficient design that utilized alot of stark colors. Meaning we were able to finish the painting very quickly coming out of La Cage. The floor was done by sponge rolling different colors of red, to attempt to mimic red 60s shag carpet.
Their is a Paris skyline drop out the window that has a teal and light yellow gradient done with sprays, that was then poked full of holes which became stars with small LEDs.
The most involved part of the set was the striped hallway wall, which was done by painting a flat color of pink, then spattering it with lighter pink. Then Taping out what needed to stay pink, and rolling a teal, then a darker spatter. Then we pulled the tape and lined highlighted the wall paper with white chalk and black sharpie to bring out the dimension.